Saturday, July 12, 2008


I finally got a new job. Most of you knew that i was praying and searching for a new job. Starbucks just got really old, really fast. I had been there too long, and i was getting burnt out. Well, the Lord definitly answers prayers in the craziest ways (one summer we taught that God is "crazy and mysterious" and it is so true!).

Today was my last official day at Starbucks... and allthough i am BEYOND EXCITED about never having to make a single frapucinno again, it was definitly bittersweet! Two of my dear friends brought me flowers, and one of my favorite people to work with, Chip, was pretty sad. When i got to my car i was a little choked up, cuz it is OVER, over. Its just weird.

I am now a nanny. I watch a 2 year old little girl named Kensington, and a 6 year old boy named Elijah. The parents both own a lot of different businesses and they are pretty well off. Enough for the Mom to need a personal assistant. This is where God starts to work... My sister-in-law, Dana, got hired as the personal assistant after meeting the mom at dana's old job. After a few weeks, the mom brought up that they might look for a new nanny. Dana had mentioned the possibility to me, and within a few days i was hired! I hadn't even MET the mom yet and they were ready for me to start! It's incredible. The kids are cute beyond all reason. The family is SUPER loving! The workers are all sweet! And they live in my dream home! No, im being serious! When i was in Cosmo school i would drive home the same way every day just so i could drive past this BEAUTIFUL home and simply drool over it... NOW i WORK there! Its crazy!

But praise God i have this new job... it will be challenging, and it will definitly grow me a lot... but im excited for it. Also, if my dream job at FoHo opens up... i'm still planning on going for it... Speaking of FoHo... i LOVE the staff this summer. LOVE THEM!

Thats all for now, i am exhausted and need to take a nap!