Monday, September 22, 2008

update part 1

Ok... so life is CRAZY right now.

This summer i left my job at Starbucks, after six long frappucinno making years, to work for a family in Redlands as their nanny. While the kids were extremely cute, and the house workers amazing, the family itself stood for nothing i believe in. I felt uncomfortable since day one, and it simply escalated from there. So, a month in i gave my two weeks notice and got out of there... i still havent been paid my last check... but it doesnt really surprise me.

After leaving the nanny job, i finished out the summer at Forest Home. The first week i was a CCA councelor and i absolutely loved it. I had a great cabin and i instantly fell in love with the entire staff. The next week i was an assistant to two leaders up there, which i really enjoyed. If i could do that year round i would! The staff this summer was amazing! They accepted me into their little family right away, and made me feel like i was awesome. Which i am... i just needed a reminder! hahahaha

Once these two weeks of bliss were up it was back to reality. NO JOB. I have spent the last few weeks searching online, filling out applications, submitting resumes, you name it... i've done it! The only thing im not willing to do yet is settle. I left my last job because i hated it... im not going to go out and get some crappy job just cuz they are hiring and be miserable every day... i want something i will look forward to. Something that uses my passions and excites me. But unfortunatly, there IS NO JOB like that. I always tell people, "I'm a jack of all trades, master of none." I could cut your hair, give you a mani-pedi, whip you up a frappucinno or your exact drink order of a venti-half-calf-quad-shot-six-pump-sugar-free-vanilla-one-sweet-and-low-extra-hot-no-foam-latte, watch your children, lead worship, answer phones, ALL at once... while still looking good. BUT i can't get hired anywhere. You tell me where that makes sense!

SO... onto the Texas thing. I think it is great that i post a status update on facebook that says im moving and everyone instantly wants to know more. I should have thought that one through! hahaha! Yes, i would like to move away, and yes the opportunity has come up. There are still just a lot of things to pin down. Like... actually securing the apartment, figuring out moving details, furnished? unfurnished? And that ever present "i am dirt broke" situation. But for some reason this just feels right. And what better time than now.... I no longer live out on my own so there are no roommates or 12 month leases to hold me back. I dont have a job here, and NO ONE seems to want to hire me... maybe those Texans will have the perfect job. There are only a few things that really tear me up... my family and my church. I don't want to leave that! My mom is my best friend... and Texas is far. So that would just suck. And my church is amazing. I have finally found a place where i can call home. Where i am loved. Where i get to excercise my passions. Where i am comfortable. And leaving there would simply SUCK! Plus, where else do you have kids telling you to audition for American Idol!? hahaha i love them.

So right now everything is up in the air. I want to move and i want to stay. I am stuck in between... and not sure what the next step is. But it will all work out. I have no doubts on that.

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