Friday, May 1, 2009


I have a dear friend, Savannah, whom i have grown to love tremendously over the last few months. We text each other ALL the time and share our troubles and our joys with each other. She lives in Arizona, but a few weeks ago she was in CA and came to stay with me for a night. Now, Sav has been going through a LOT of tough stuff in her life... poor decisions that were pulling her away from the Lord. She said she didn't feel like she belonged at church cuz she was "mad at God." She wanted Him to prove Himself... prove that He was there... prove that He loved her.

The night that Sav was visiting me we had a prayer gathering in Redlands. I told her if she wanted to stay with me, that i would be at this prayer thing for most of the night. (Funny how God's timing worked on that one huh?) Well, she got to the prayer night just as we were getting ready to lead worship. We were supposed to sing a few hours earlier, but got pushed back (God's timing yet again). During worship Justin felt led to sing a line over and over, singing, "God, You are for me, You're not against me." I thot nothing of it at the time. When Sav and i got home we stayed up talking for HOURS... and she brought up that song. She said that she found it funny cuz God must be against her, she said her life couldn't get any worse.

I realized a few days later that God WAS showing Himself to Savvy... I emailed her and told her that if she was expecting God to show Himself with thunder and lightning and fireworks, that she was wrong... There was a REASON she was staying with me the night of the prayer gathering... there was a REASON Justin sang those words... there was a REASON that it got to her... God was showing Himself to her by whispering to her heart. I know it was a lot for her to take in at the time... but i also know that it gave her something to dwell on... think about... marinate, if you will.

Tuesday morning, about 2am, i was lying awake in my bed and had a vision. I have never had a vision before, but i have been praying for God to allow these type of things to flourish in my life... and as i laid there i KNEW it was from God... and i KNEW it was for Savannah. I saw this perfect little bird. So tiny and sweet. It was trying to fly but it's little wings were broken. It flapped around on the ground and eventually came to the feet of a big man. This big man scooped up the baby bird in his big hands and said to it, "It's ok little one, I've got you. I will hold you and take care of you. You might be broken, but i'll fix you." I called Savannah at stinking 2am in the morning and told her that SHE was that bird and that GOD was that big man. I didn't know what to make of it at the time... but i KNEW she needed to hear that.

Last week was rough, as i already mentioned. But Wednesday morning it got even rougher. I woke up to a voicemail telling me that Savannah had been in a car accident Tuesday night (the same day that i called her at 2am). Things weren't looking good. As the days progressed, the updates got more serious. Crushed pelvis... brain injury... severed nerve which will cause her to loose the use of her right leg... coma... oxygen levels dropping... they just kept getting worse, and we kept getting discouraged. My baby bird was BROKEN.

My friends and i had pretty much come to terms with the fact that she wasn't going to make it out of this, and that she was going to go home with Jesus. We were heartbroken. I didn't do anything without thinking about her... i couldn't get over that vision and God's timing in it all... there HAD to be a purpose behind it all.

Saturday night came and i know that people all over the WORLD were praying for her. We prayed for her at SNL, and something changed inside of me... my outlook on it all became hopeful. I even talked to some of the girls and their outlook had changed as well! God began to give us all hope and peace. And sure enough her updates became more positive. Surgery to fix her pelvis went well... oxygen levels are better... almost breathing on her own... fluttered her eyelashes... heart rate increases... she MOVED her RIGHT LEG! Every time we checked the website that her mom is updating, it was another positive thing. My baby bird is going to fly again!

We know not to get TOO excited about the good stuff, and not got TOO upset about the bad stuff. But we also know that our GOD is a GOD that is bigger than car accidents, bigger than comas, bigger than nerves in your leg. And we have a hope that she is going to wake up and go DANCING out of that hospital!

Please keep my little bird, Savannah, in your prayers.

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