Thursday, December 11, 2008

a "Broken" Heart...

The heart is a tricky thing. Lately i have been thinking a lot about being broken hearted. WHY are we broken hearted? Do our hearts break for the RIGHT reasons? WHAT do you do with a broken heart? I feel totally surrounded by this subject...

Tonight, as i watched Extreme Home Makeover, i was struck by such an amazing thought. The lady that they were building a new home for had a BROKEN HEART. But literally, it didn't work right. It was all out of wack with its beats and it could potentially kill her at any moment. But, do you know what she did? She didn't DWELL on her broken heart. She spent her time thinking about EVERYONE ELSE! She spent her time thinking about what she could do for the kids at the local school, she spent her time thinking about what she could make for people in need, she spent her time focused on OTHERS! And she even said that a piece of her heart was with all those people. WOW!

I sat there and thought, "WHAT am i doing?! I spend SO much time upset about situations that i might be in. Heart broken over this or that. Frustrated over feeling lonely. It's ridiculous. When this woman, with a REAL broken heart, did nothing for herself. Definitly was a smack in the face. A good one.

Just something to think about...


Unknown said...

Comforting others creates comfort in us. That's how God made us. No matter what happens during the week, helping out with Sunday school soothes my soul. That's how God made us. :)

Mulkey Family said...

I want to follow your blog but it won't let me. how do i do it?